New Reasons

"A reason race still remains fucking relevant is the cycle of poverty and pervasive purposeful refusal to understand."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 mid-2014.

Would like to treat race not as the main impetus for conflict but as a natural part of a multicultural, fairly friendly, fairly sleepy town, with things that tie them all together.

Not done thru emphasizing differences or downplaying cultural inheritance, rather letting ethnicities be what they are simultaneously, owning themselves thru their practices and traditions over marking their identities thru the feebler stance of “I am Not Them.”

Need to understand race/culture in order to attack the notion that these diffs shouldn’t exist to primarily create tension.

A reason race still remains fucking relevant is the cycle of poverty and pervasive purposeful refusal to understand.

Enhancing racial tension by enhancing the meaning of race, by giving it the power of Otherness, like youth, powerful, and stubbornly naïve.

Understand one’s culture rather than the diffs. Ascribe so strongly.

On second thought (I say this 30 min. left), maybe I don’t hate Crash, maybe I just hate that I get something out of it that I’m not sure other people do. Do people really learn?

On Crash (2005) review, A.V. Club: “Just because a movie is about racial politics doesn’t mean that they should dictate it.” —Scott Tobias

For commentary seven years later, go here.