New Reasons

“but afterwards I was like woah way to sideswipe rape”

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. Read Sticky, “denim coffee book photographer” for snipped poetry. I was 20 in early 2014.

            I just went to a party at Garrett’s with Julia. Thank God she was there cause there were 10 fucking dudes and we were the only girls.

            BASIS guys so I was more or less safe from gangrape but damn should’ve known better Nicole. Might as well have dressed up as a vagina and would’ve been the same thing. More or less fun though.

            Just weird fucking vibes in general, like that weird postsenior summer where too many dudes liked me and then Dylan was there and I totally wanted to talk to him about unsettled shit but not possible to get him aside and whatever we talked about denim and then we went inside and implied that Garrett’s mom was having an affair with the coffee book photographer and we played King’s Cup and Finn got handsy on my back and Neel sorta did too and I just went along with it cause I partially didn’t care at that point and whatfuckingever and overall it was actually a fine party oh and Garrett was like, totally you can crash on our couch and at the time, I was like no, go home and be practical, but afterwards I was like woah way to sideswipe rape and anyway back to the fact it was a fine party just wish I brought my penis, will do next time!

For commentary seven years later, go here.