New Reasons

"but it's almost like jumping too fast because you know the steps already and you know me already"

Dec. 19, 2014 | Gould, Jack. Pad: The Guide to Ultra-Living.

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 late 2014.

Argument for Not Turning Away from current friends and family

These are people who have loved/love you throughout growing up and they have leaned on you and you have let them lean back a bit, and see how it feels.

You won’t really know who’s in your corner if you don’t pick a corner first.


Wanting to say ‘I love you’ and wanting to move in with me after 2.5 months of dating—doesn’t that kinda seem like, you’re trying to recreate what you had? Like, Sylvie 2.0? And when I say that I don’t mean that you’re confusing our personalities or that you want me to be your Sylvie substitute, like you miss her still or something cause I don’t think you do either of those things, but it’s almost like jumping too fast because you know the steps already and you know me already

But I don’t think you or I know what our relationship exactly is already.

You telling/wanting to do those things with me now feel like you’re either madly in love or you’re wanting this out of habit. And I think for both of us, it’s not a habit, but a new thing.

And I need more time to see where this is growing.

For commentary seven years later, go here.
