New Reasons

"Got 1000s of pictures before getting noticed"

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 in early 2014.

HONY (Humans of New York) Brandon Stanton

“The beautiful thing about digital is that you can make unlimited mistakes.”

For credibility, the lion’s share of the work, the miles, is going to be before you get 1 true fan (outside friends + family).

Got 1000s of pictures before getting noticed

“Only thing I could control is the work.” Can’t control how anyone will receive it.

Goal: 10000 portraits

  • “The Work” = the pride, what you believe in

  • More significant, satisfying goal than 10000 Facebook fans

  • More portraits, less candids

“I used to be a different color every day. Then one day, I wore green and it was a really good day. I’ve been green for 15 years.” — Portrait of all-green lady + green hair

Intimacy: intimate stories from strangers. Escalating levels of commitment and intimacy.

“One thing I never do is approach them from behind. I don’t know; it’s just kinda primal. If ever you want a relationship with something, don’t start from behind.”

“In the shortest amount of time, the goal is to be as nonthreatening as possible.”

  • natural crouching

  • high voice

  • avoid eye contact

  • make it conversational

Looking for something that no one else has told him before—usually takes the forms of stories, not opinions

Emotions are triggers, ones for powerful stories. Introductory questions lead to bigger stories.

“Today with the internet, ideas have never been cheaper.” 10% effort, 90% promotion

“Better to be different than good.”

“Don’t wait for perfect.”

  • Doesn’t have to be the original idea, fully formed to be great

  • start with an inkling and work ‘til it leads to something

Focus on the work (only thing you can control), and all other variables will go with it → Keep the rhythm

“Palestinians and Israelis are having so many problems in the Middle East, but in Brooklyn, they’re just fine.” — Brandon’s friend

HONY has this humanizing effect—that’s why he went to Tehran. Don’t advocate for anything, let them be human.

“The internet is very geared to distributing.”

  • Don’t try to draw a fence around your work

  • Let go idea of trademarking

Magic of the internet: letting people stumble across your work—not about $ (immediately actually)

“No article covers the complexity” — Just cause you give less words, not an article or treatist, doesn’t mean they don’t give complexity. Glimpse in life, “less revealing”

“No, he’s in a normal place; you’re in a different place.” — Brandon’s mom to Brandon saying that his brother is in ‘a different place’ after his bro bought a house. Part of ‘biggest’ disappointment in Brandon’s life

Don’t forget what got you there → your WORK.

Book was vehicle of distribution that for people + places social media haven’t infiltrated yet

  • neighborhoods

  • wide range of age groups

  • low income

Return to yourself → what would make me like it more; what, to me, would make it better

After the struggle, “Now that I’m doing so well, I’m still looking for people who don’t believe in me.”

So much work, that one “no” isn’t as painful anymore. Marginal.

For commentary seven years later, go here.