New Reasons


Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 20 in early 2014.


*L-pull — “L” for lethal, suicide pill, usually cyanide. Used in high risk missions to avoid torture or interrogation (in every day life, the same thing. Designed is that if swallowed whole and unbroken, it will not kill the person. Must be crushed/chewed

*sheep dipping — disguising a CIA agent’s identity by placing him within a legit org

*canary trap — if suspecting a leak in your org, give diff versions of sensitive info to suspected leakers and see which version gets around

*dangle — agent who pretends to defect to opposing side to get info. Will pretend to be a double agent to 2nd side, but will actually give good info to original side, and bad to the 2nd

*honeypot — a sexy person who will use said powers to get secret info/capture/kill