New Reasons

"that way my present day ego can’t blow up too much and I can still control myself from tweeting"

Sept. 1, 2014 | Gould, Jack. Pad: The Guide to Ultra-Living.

Sept. 1, 2014 | Gould, Jack. Pad: The Guide to Ultra-Living.

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 late 2014.

—Perhaps make my own Twitter account @rapatania

—+ my college one (from my notebooks @nicollege)

I’ve become what I most feared: a Twitter persona.

I can’t tell if I should start tweeting now or after college. Now could save my career; after could save my soul.

Or how bout this? @nicolein2years – a time capsule

—Only stuff from 2 years ago, that way my present day ego can’t blow up too much and I can still control myself from tweeting as much as I write in these notebooks

For commentary seven years later, go here.