New Reasons

"The accomplished writer, whichever venue, will write for the medium's strengths and around its weaknesses"

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 in early 2014.

The Tools of Screenwriting by David Howard + Edward Mabley


“Skill a writer needs to acquire foremost: the ability to express and shape one’s visions”

[Well duh, but I think he means composition, following thru, and clarity]

StoryTELLING, not storyMAKING

DIFF. BETW STAGE + SCREEN {w/ possible assistance from Paula Vogel}

  • Play – bulk of page is characters’ dialogue

  • Screenplay – balance shifts toward scene description, actions of characters and the visuals the audience sees

  • Theater’s strength is cinema’s weakness: Theater has greater possibility for connection betw real live human performer and audience than cinema. “Electrifying empathy”

  • More limitations on location and time in theater (set changes?)

  • Film forces focus from the audience. Theater can divide audience attention though there are ways for focus

Sum up:

  • Theater = immediacy, rapport betw actors + audience. Limits on time + place

  • Film = latitude on time and place. Lack of contact/distance betw actors and audience

  • Can lessen film’s limits thru camera shots i.e. close up on face while theater audience must remain in seats

  • The accomplished writer, whichever venue, will write for the medium’s strengths and around its weaknesses

Playwright—allow actors long speeches and plenty of time to “strut his stuff” to involve the audience in the performance

Screenwriter—more actions that reveal character, wants, desires and whole range of performance needed to evoke. Also harness ability to force audience to see what the storyteller chooses and time and place manipulator with ease

  • Same attributes, different proportions; cats, dogs.

For commentary seven years later, go here.