New Reasons

"What that actually is, I don’t know, but only you can figure it out."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 in early 2014.

            Being angry and bitter about what happened between us before… is like being angry and bitter about everything that has happened to me since then. And yeah, there have been a lot of disappointments, and traumas, and breakdowns… but a lot of realizations too. I’m better, not bitter.

            And because of that, the fact that I’ve changed and I’ve grown, that’s all the more reason to not want or expect anything from you until I’ve seen you grow too. I know what I said before, but that’s not the total proof of you growing up. What that actually is, I don’t know, but only you can figure it out.

For commentary seven years later, go here.