New Reasons

"#4: Respect the process, and results will come."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 mid-2014.

Jeff Goins Blog

(1) “Success Starts with Passion: How to Build an Audience Doing What You Love”

Tip# 1: Focus on passion, not results.

#2: Do your best work when nobody’s watching.

#3: The less you care about your audience’s affections, the more your audience will be affected by your work.

#4: Respect the process, and the results will come.

(2) “You have to do this, before people will listen to you”

  • You don’t get to decide what ‘remarkable’ is. Your audience does.

  • In a world full of noise, the way you get people to care about you is to care about them first.

(3) “What the Web (and the World) Needs from You”


How do we build this trust? By showing our scars. Sharing our insecurities. Exposing our weaknesses

–Admitting screw-ups

–Highlighting personal flaws

–Apologizing for mistakes nobody caught

–Telling stories of our biggest failures

–Sharing a fear or challenge you still haven’t overcome.

^When you, the writer, let yourself be human, we readers will do the same.

For commentary seven years later, go here.