New Reasons

"Too busy being The Thing that you don't get the thrill of being a part of something."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 mid-2014.

Bible Study by pastor dude

*fungible — entirely replaceable

Value of $ comes not from buying power, but state of distinction.

Constantly comparing yourself to others, “I’m not that guy,” takes away depth of yourself. Who are you? Account for yourself. You are more than your body, heart. Reflection required.

How you distinguish yourself from other people = dynamics of seduction/attraction

Mental gymnastics thru interaction, estimation of other people—better or worse, who comes out ahead

“Gospel says that you are sinful, and you are loved.”

“One of the greatest joys, the pleasures of being a Christian, is smallness.”

“What if…?” ridiculous anxiety, possibility….. Eh. God’s in control.

"Too busy being The Thing that you don't get the thrill of being a part of something."

“We have to overthrow the narcissism of our adolescent days. I think you try to spend your entire 20s, trying to escape the gravity of your adolescence. When you’re 50, free velocity, floating around in space.”

“Don’t be shallow. Allow God to take you to your depths.”

For commentary seven years later, go here.