New Reasons


Sept. 19, 2014 | “Borderlands 3.” Game Informer, 319, Nov. 2019.

Sept. 19, 2014 | “Borderlands 3.” Game Informer, 319, Nov. 2019.

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 late 2014.


9/30/07 Incident

Plate at IRC, written in ketchup: “I’m going to kill someone… soon. Then commit suicide.”

“I’m going to break all chaos records.” —VTech shooter. Notes to kill students, professors etc.

Cartoon: “It Could Never Happen Here, USA”


Run (escape out of bldg, exit plan), hide, fight (improvise weapons, commit to actions)


Take direct responsibility for your personal safety and security

  • Awareness

    • Gain a basic understanding of situation

  • Preparation

  • Rehearsal

Exercise: When going in + out of a bldg, take a different route in + out to know multiple alternate exits.

“Door jamb on top of double doors: bolt that cinches it so door can’t be opened.”

“Door jamb on top of double doors: bolt that cinches it so door can’t be opened.”

  • Consider jumping out of the 2nd floor—depends on bldg and height

  • If you’re with someone who’s too scared, tell him/her it’ll be fine and get that person to go, but don’t waste time negotiating. It’ll be hard, but you have to go

  • Call DPS before 911 bc they know our campus better and can send ambulances there

  • Door jamb on top of double doors: bolt that cinches it so door can’t be opened.

  • Figure out a way to hold the door closed without standing in front of it (so shooter won’t shoot thru door)

  • Can also add belts together to increase length

  • Separate within a room

    • If you pack together, easier for him/her to shoot all of you

  • Silence your phone so he won’t find you

  • Tip submit app

    • Send urgent msg to DPS without talking on phone

  • If doors can’t lock, force a wall/barrier of furniture

    • As he tries to get around it, he’s not focusing on shooting so

    • FIGHT.

  • Most general body mass shootings, shot victim will continue doing what they’re doing (fight, flight) until adrenaline runs out and their will to survive cuts out → “Not everything is over if you get shot.”


  • Hit, punch with your full body weight, not just your arm

  • Go for the eyes, jam something in

  • Fire extinguisher = chemicals that take out oxygen

    • spray his face so he can’t breathe

  • Use a chair to point the weapon down, attack the weapon

    • chair = shield/weapon

  • Never give up.

“Trained knife fighters = blade goes down their arm, [swish] motion”

“Trained knife fighters = blade goes down their arm, [swish] motion”

DPS Cops

If 1st on scene, officers have to go in. In direction of the gunshots, even without backup

Trained knife fighters = blade goes down their arm, [swish] motion

For commentary seven years later, go here.