"It's your last year in college for crying out loud"
Sept. 22, 2014 | Sullivan, Erin. “View Finders.” Westways, Spring 2021.
Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 late 2014.
Here’s What I Think You Want
Get your screenplay done. Get your short film done. Call major studios about diversity programs
Get your school work done—when are your papers due?
Get new friends connected to film and screenwriting
Get info on other career paths in writing (spec writing)
Keep your old friends. I know you wanna move forward but that doesn’t mean you have to leave them behind, bc they’re not done with you, and you’re not done with them
More dates. More sex. More experimentation. It’s your last year in college for crying out loud
Less social anxiety. Less anxiety in general, but the social one is hittin’ harder these days.
Keep talking. You had a good run, but just bc you’re not in immediate crisis does not mean you should clam up again.
So that means…
No long term relationships. You don’t have the time to invest in them. Unless it’s someone you really care about, then don’t
which leads to
Um. With Tanner, what I want is to be friends/good terms with him till the end of the year. There are only so many people you feel connected to on campus that it would hurt to have one less… Plus I don’t think he wants a long term thing either and a friends with benefits thing will definitely lead to assured complications
I don’t think we reached a point of no return yet, so maybe just talk tomorrow and kibosh whatever this is. (At the same time, I liked it and it could be good for me if he actually wanted some sort of dating thing but I don’t know I’m crazy)
I feel like my biggest fear at this point is having no friends by graduation.
For commentary seven years later, go here.