New Reasons

"Anxiety is believing that the tipping of the scale is a setup for the day that follows."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 in early 2014.

Anxiety is waking up and being afraid of what your 1st thought will be: a quiet wish for death or assurance. Anxiety is believing that the tipping of the scale is a setup for the day that follows.

Strategy for Anxiety from Counseling: 5 things you look, feel, see to ground you in the present

According to Elizabeth, my mood temperature isn’t getting better….

Accept that these things, bouts of anxiety, bouts of depression will happen, either situationally triggered or just because—these things will happen. Ride ‘em out, know that practically these things aren’t happening to you anymore (studio PTSD etc.). You can manage.

Taking care of your inner world should be as necessary and regular as brushing your teeth.

For commentary seven years later, go here.