New Reasons

“But second, this kid is fucking smart.”

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. Read Sticky, “A big thing rolling” for snipped poetry. I was 20 in early 2014.

            What makes BASIS people different from other people is not up front the level of their intelligence, but the unwitting nakedness of their intelligence. If you strike up a conversation with a BASIS kid (enter if you dare) in maybe 5 minutes, you can tell that first, this kid is fucking weird. But second, this kid is fucking smart.

            Other people I have met at USC and the real world can be very smart too, but you have to do some digging to find it.

            Even people who, due to the majority of what their talking revolves around or whatever, are maybe deemed “dumb” at first glance, are totally smart in their own ways. My roommate drops depth on me all the time.

For commentary seven years later, go here.