New Reasons

“are they trying to pass as normal?”

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. Read Sticky, “A big thing rolling” for snipped poetry. I was 20 in early 2014.

How must it feel to be the significant other, friend, family of a person whose artistic work and/or studies are well-associated with anxiety, pain, fear, depression?

Isn’t that your duty as an artist, produce (thoroughly) self-reflective work in hopes that society will look at it and find themselves in reflection too?

Perhaps the mirror into your soul is a window into others

Whenever people who regularly do great things do ordinary things like chores or talking to “normal” people, are they trying to pass as normal?

Are they convinced they’re normal that moment? How do they know what “normal” is? Thru observation of the people around them or that they grew up with or the books, TV, movies they have ingested?

I suppose all since we’re a product of our environments.

For commentary seven years later, go here.