New Reasons


Nov. 22, 2014 | Cavanaugh, Ted + Chelsea. “9 Money Rules It’s Actually OK to Break.” Real Simple, Aug. 2020.

Nov. 22, 2014 | Cavanaugh, Ted + Chelsea. “9 Money Rules It’s Actually OK to Break.” Real Simple, Aug. 2020.

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 late 2014.


Blacklist Scripts: The Remains, Stanley Kubrick faking the moon landing, Man seeking revenge on a space station

If working on a big money project, you have a personal, indulgent project to balance the potentially soul-crushing editing process.

I just did things that I felt were good for me. Part of it is just big, but part of it is relaxing into what you’re becoming.

“It is Art and Art only that reveals us to ourselves.” —Oscar Wilde

Make every member of the team feel like they’re valued e.g. thank them thru emails, send stills, updates to the people you rely on

Is letting it bury itself in timedust better than running it into the ground? (It’s not what you do, but how you do it)



Types of Producers: Creative Producer, Line, Full Service

“Your film is never going to be produced the way you think it is, and it’s never going to look how you think it’s going to look, so hug that notion and release it.” —Effie, Producer of Dear White People

Lawyers: Roger Goff, Clifford Lowe, Elsa Ramo

  • No one can talk about your film like you can; you go out and do it instead of agents or lawyers

  • Put yourself in the budget too, bc profits of movies don’t go to you

    • pay yourself up front(?) + box office budgets

  • Negotiate some ownership to that movie

  • Learn how to be/get an insanely gifted line producer

    • budgeting, scheduling, how it’s ran, multitasking, how to spread a dollar

  • Do not scrimp on story

  • Do not scrimp on food

  • Test shots are worth it


  • Where people forget to budget. Get fucked.

  • Where you need the deliverables

  • How do you get an accurate cost?

    • Get price quotes during pre-production

    • Map out post, the details. If you can’t, hire a post supervisor

  • Look at post-shoot companies in movie credits

  • Grants

  • Get post-contingency (def?). Think of music, sound, ADR (audio dialogue replacement/looping), stock footage

  • Save key wardrobes and key props for reshoots

  • Post houses

    • Anarchy Post: Dan, Glenn Morgan

    • Modern Video

    • Wildfire

    • Judo for Post

    • Institution Post

  • VFX (visual effects) — fixing shots. $300-500 shots. Minimize the amount of these needed

Festival = platform to get your film out there. NOT a main means to get $

Streaming, YouTube, social media, VOD

  • Think of Where’s Your Audience

  • Wealthy investors who would be interested in it, part of that community

  • Get as many eyeballs as you can

Also consider corporate sponsorship → other side, creative control

Festivals are dead…


Speed Dating vlog “Fuck I’m in My 20s” Emma K?

How Guys’ Thoughts Ruin Perfect Relationships


@margarinalize - What I learned in college or what I scribbled and drew in the note margins


  • Take real events + put it thru a filter or suffer the consequences

  • More specific it is, the more personal it is

    • slices of life

    • You can take the most generic subject and regenerate it generically… unless you put details

  • Laughing = relief, connection to humanity

  • social media = “barrier of comfort” —Sam Futerman

    • like you get to know them but they’re not physically there. Like any long distance relationship

  • Don’t read the comments. Or if you do, think of statistics e.g. for every 100+, 1-

    • Cure for Negative Comments: Go to your favorite/funniest home video and read the negative comments. If those people are wrong, couldn’t the negative comments on yours be wrong too?

“The second you stop searching for the answer, you discover it.” —Sam Futerman

If in a creative dry well, change the medium. e.g. working on a frustrating story? Make a short story. Draw. Give your brain a break, but still let yourself be as creative as you are.

GOOD is realizing you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be now.

*Always shake hands and get contact info

For commentary seven years later, go here.