New Reasons

"The easiest way to dehumanize people is to strip them of any context, any history."

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 mid-2014.

SYSK: Gypsies

  • Gypsies “The Great Devouring"

    • Romani segment of WWII Holocaust. 1/2 million Romanis died

  • Originated from N. India, driven out (then continuously) for religions and more purposes

  • Called “Romani” bc Romania was the country least cruel to them in EEU (though they did enslave the nomads for 400 years)

  • “The easiest way to dehumanize people is to strip them of any context, any history.” —Dr. Fonesca

  • “The Roma have no heroes, no myths of origin, of a great liberation, of the founding of a nation, of a promise land.”

For commentary seven years later, go here.