New Reasons

"The only thing missing is for him to make chairs rock by simply looking at them (150)"

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. For more One Hundred Years of Solitude, read “to head toward the land that no one promised them (23)” (Pt. 1). I was 21 mid-2014.

100 Years of Solitude

“Fragile, timid, with natural good manners, he was, however, better suited for war than for government.” (136)

“Amaranta shut herself up . . . as if once more her careless words had been responsible for a death.” (137)

“she had the strength not to go out and meet him” (138)

“he had developed the facility of being able to increase his weight at will” (139)

cute + gravity

Shouldn’t it be every parent’s dream for their kids to succeed them?

Don’t mistake your insomnia for mass intelligence.

Doesn’t magic appeal to anyone worth knowing?

Can I get a 100Y0S family chart/tree up in here?

“she let herself be saturated with a soft feeling of relaxation” (143)

“The only thing missing is for him to make chairs rock by simply looking at them” (150)

“all with a look of solitude that left no doubt as to the relationship” (150)

“as soon as their beards appear they go to ruin” (152)

“simple leftovers from his humor of a different time” (156)

“When they open their eyes to reality they’ll find accomplished facts”

Even at my most critical, I have nothing to say against this book.

For commentary seven years later, go here.