New Reasons

"this is the age where we make celebrities strawmen to burn"

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. I was 21 mid-2014.

Kanye West quotes from BBC interview

  • On being a living god: “[W]hen someone comes up and says something like, ‘I am a god,’ everybody says, ‘Who does he think he is?’ I just told you who I thought I was. A god. I just told you. That’s who I think I am.”

  • On song “I Am A God”: “Would it have been better if I had a song that said, ‘I am a gangster’ or if I had a song that said ‘I am a pimp?"‘ All those colors and patinas fit better on a person like me, right?”

this is the age where we make celebrities strawmen to burn

  • On the future: “It’s our Earth. Like, you remember, like you’d see future movies, and everything was in the sky? Like, it moved to the sky? That’s the Internet! That’s what it is! That’s our sky! That’s our future sky! We kinda thought we knew what it was, and it’s flying cars. We didn’t get flying cars, but we can send movies in, like, 2 seconds.”

  • On his teeth: “People are going to look at this interview and say, ‘I don’t like Kanye. Look, he looks mad. I don’t like his teeth.’”

For commentary seven years later, go here.