New Reasons

"Do I want to/can I pause my life here for 5 months to go out of the country?"

Notes to Self are long-form journal entries posted in full. See Seven Yrs Ago for thread. I was 20 in late 2013.

Studying Abroad Pros (+ Cons?) vs. Staying Here Pros


  • Always wanted to, since high school at least

  • Bond with K, B+R and other friends

  • What isn’t amazing about Italy [Germany, France, Switz]?







  • Unsure of what I’m doing even next semester

  • Always viewed traveling as a way of escape. That’s why I came to USC—to escape the life I was living at home which was + is totally necessary

  • Has been contemplating either going to 4 years and doing internships OR going to 5 years and doing internships in last 2 years

  • See my 4 year friends before they graduate

  • With all the uncertainty, doesn’t seem fair to ask mom for down payment in Jan 2014 when the trip is so far away and who knows how I’ll feel about arch + stuff by then

  • Establish more connections and network here at USC + LA

    - Rich, international

    - Better opps. for jobs

    - Better $ = more chances to travel

Confront problems.

Do I want to/can I pause my life here for 5 months to go out of the country? Can I mentally afford to?

I know that when I have a problem that I continuously dwell on, I know I have to address it or else torture myself.

On the other hand, this could be an Eat, Pray, Love thing that could reinvigorate me.

What if, in my time here at school and LA I was able to set up the kind of life that would enable me to go to Italy and those kinds of places normally? Like momentary satisfaction vs. possible longtime contentment/commitment.

On my 4th hand, I could die tomorrow/after the Italy trip

I don’t like doing things for the sake of saying that I did them. I want to do the things that I want to do on my own terms. Be your own boss.

For comments seven years later, go here.
