New Reasons

"I have a good circle of people around me that I think have problems of their own."

Notes to Self are long-form journal entries posted in full. See Seven Yrs Ago for thread. I was 20 in late 2013.

               I need to make sure that whatever is happening with me will affect others only constructively. Meaning I have shit to figure out and if that brings to front that other people have shit to figure out then I have to encourage and help them (when I can) along their way as I will have to do with myself.

               Important thing is that when I’m happy + rational, I can make other people happy and rational. So this work, this fight to diminish my depression, is foremost definitely for me, but also for other people. I have a good circle of people around me that I think have problems of their own.

               By telling them, I am trusting them to take care and help me thru this. I also hold myself (partially) responsible for them because I care about them too and want them to be healthy too.


  • Don’t judge/overanalyze people. I know I said all those things prior and yes, I am very perceptive (gah, gag me with a spoon) but I don’t know fully anyone’s story

  • Don’t put words into people’s mouths. Let them talk if they want to talk, but don’t assume

  • Don’t have too grandiose thoughts. I understand that I can be dramatic so no, I don’t have the power to fix everyone nor destroy them.

               I will say that there is a grain of truth in this in that I do have a lot of people who are important to me and that I am as important in their lives.

               This ties us together.

               Be more open.

               Be less judgmental of others and yourself.

For comments seven years later, go here.