New Reasons

"Is life about not caring your way to the next level?"

Notes to Self are long-form journal entries posted in full. See Seven Yrs Ago for thread. I was 20 in late 2013.

I don’t know if I wanna slog my way thru this semester to next year. Is that life? Is life about not caring your way to the next level?

You know, I’m hoping that this is just a phase and that I’ll find that I want to back to architecture school after this but there’s a point to phases.

Phases are periods that transition you to the person you’re going to become, to change you.

And I shouldn’t be afraid of change, especially if the biggest change I want to see happen is kicking my 8 year long depression.

I don’t want to live sadly anymore; I want to know how it is to feel happy and to not let that huge gaping hole sink me.

Nothingness is something you shouldn’t sink from.

For comments seven years later, go here.