New Reasons

“Fuck them, I’m making my own story”

Notes to Self are longer journal entries from Seven Yrs Ago. Read Sticky, “denim coffee book photographer” for snipped poetry. I was 20 in late 2013.

            WAIT but even though I’ve accidentally modeled my life around Summer Finn and the alike, I did heartily support the ending. I think it was at first from a “Love doesn’t always work out” standpoint, but I think I eventually learned (probably from the JGL quote) that Summer is a girl with her own wits and desires and goals and that’s really why it ended. You’re supposed to sympathize with them both. 

            So I’m not so gone after all!

            I have goals (sorta)!

            I have self-determination to solve whatever problems can come up!

            I am a person!

            More on the MPDG topic: That’s why they’re all pussies in the end. Things happen, we break up or whatever, and they never get their shit back/try/care? to get me back again

            Fuck them, I’m making my own story

For commentary seven years later, go here.